What is web1, web2 and web3?

Bank of Memories
2 min readApr 22, 2022


“I don’t know what web1 , web2 and web3 things are. I am afraid to ask or just busy to dive into details”. If this relates to you, congratulations! No need to ask anybody, just read the post and get familiar with it . — new, better internet.

“Web” is a simple word you see every day when you open any internet page. So, the web is an information retrieval system. People started using this word in 1990, when Berners-Lee introduced a technology called “internet” to the society. It was a new era of technological development.

Web 1 was comparatively slow, but for those times it could be compared with a complete miracle. The novelty of services like email and real-time news retrieval amazed most internet users. In 1990`s websites were not as interactive as today, they also were static and hard to change. Moreover, it was extremely difficult for ordinary users to generate any content on the Internet.

In 2004 the new phase of information technologies development started. Google and Facebook started their operations and people were able to participate in creating content online. So, the next step of internet evolution was called web2. It attracted more and more people. Just compare: in 1995 only 40 million people used the internet worldwide, in 2005 938 million! It is 23,5 times more! Increasing web2 popularity was also driven by mobile devices’ adoption.

Any technology stands still. And now we meet the new reality — web3. In 2022 62,5% of world population, approximately 4.95 billion used web2 internet.

Web2 applied science can not satisfy all the users needs, but web3 can.The latest internet technology (web3) takes care about users’ privacy, decentralization of information storage and machine learning. All these features open a new phase of internet development.

In our next article, you will learn more about potentials and defining characteristics of web3! Follow us, don’t miss out on anything!



Bank of Memories
Bank of Memories

Written by Bank of Memories

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