You should decide on your own where and what kind of information to save
Max Scherms is an Australian privacy activist. He wanted to examine how much of his and his family’s personal data is owned by Facebook. He found a 1 222- page document. Impressive, really?
The data included Mr. Scherms’ friends and family’s phone numbers and email addresses, as well as a history of all the devices he used to log in to the service, a list of all the events to which he had been invited, an archive of his private messages. Facebook even owns transcripts of messages Max had deleted.
Now 2,936 billion people use Facebook. Let’s calculate, it means that this social network owns 3,5 pages of information about a third of humanity.
Why do we allow anybody else to know too much information about us, which can be misused?
Remember, information is a new gold. A one, who owns a lot of it, can earn a fortune just by selling other’s valuable private data.
Do not let anybody else access your private archives and family information. Bank of Memories created a unique service — family staking. You and your family members can have a joint reserved storage. Only you and relatives can control the information usage and benefit from it! The more you save, the more you earn!
Enjoy memories and do not worry about your data safety! Do not let anybody else, expect you, to take control over your privacy.
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